May 31, 2008

A Day to Remember

Sold to A Day to Remember, new version with band name soon.

May 29, 2008

Devil In Me

This is the last shark i do in a long time!! haha

Hands Sketch - Rockett submission

The All American Rejects

All Time Low

May 26, 2008


Got some cool projects going on! All time Low, All American Rejects, Promethevs, Punk Tailor, Rockett, Devil in Me and Banshee ASEWCR! I'll post some recent work soon!

May 22, 2008


May 21, 2008

Minotaur - Punk Tailor

I'm getting a lot of mythological design requests recently...Punk Tailor is doing a series on this and i will also be doing some work for the band promothevs (you know the dude that stole fire from zeus and got hit on the liver harder then 20 shots of jack).

So i came up with a mean minotaur head and a couple of axes just make it meaner! haha
100% hand drawn ....ah and please stop asking me if i used vectors or if i used other peoples drawings! thats just dumb!

May 15, 2008

twin skulls!... FOR SALE

Artwork for sale!!

Busy, busy, busy lately...all good, not complaining!

May 10, 2008

May 8, 2008

Bring Me The Horizon

I'm excited to say my "sharks & crows" design is going to be used by Bring me The Horizon, it's fucking great to see it printed!

I have also done this design with a pack of took me hours to draw those beasts but it looks great!!

I'm sure most of you know this band already but if you've been sleeping for the last three years then check it

Currently working on a shirt design for Ella Palmer, logo for RDR Live, shirt design for One Hundred Steps, Phear fest and Punk Tailor so better get back to work!

May 7, 2008

Devil In Me - Live fast...die young!!!

This was a fun design!!! It's cool to be able to do different stuff! I'll be rocking this baby this summer!

Devil In Me - DIM ARMY

May 6, 2008

Work, work work!

I've got my hands full for the week! Around 6 designs in progress..hahaha good to be working! expect new designs up on the site soon!
Also check i've done the illustrations and coding of that layout. They are putting up a new song on their profile on the 11th of May.